Hi, this is CalcFactory.
It's the first time to post with English,
I decided when reviewing my blog-chart.
Absolutely, among the visitors, there were almost from south korea, where I live now.
But, there was no doubt that foreigners visited my blog. And I'm apreciated.
This blog's goal is to give all of the students, including parents, the opportunity to study math for free.
And this project has been great.
This time, I'd like to try if it would be effective for people in other countries
in that you can read my article and worksheet without translation.
I'm sorry I couldn't help setting Grade according to USA.
By the way, let's get started.
Today, we are going to discuss addition between two-digit-numbers, which is the first stuff to figure out in Grade 3.
| How to add numbers?
There are several ways to add numbers.
At first, you can add the digit-number if the digit-value are the same.
if you need to add 32 and 45,
you can cope with digit value.
There are tens and ones, and the former has 3 of tens, while the latter has 4 of tens.
We can add these into 7 of tens.
So do ones. You can add 2 of ones and 5 of ones, which will be 7.
Therefore, the sum is 77.
You can also add the numbers by drawing circles on digit board.
When you draw the digit board,
Tens | Ones |
You can express 32 like the below one.
Tens | Ones |
●●● | ●● |
When you set 45 like what you did, you can complete.
Tens | Ones |
●●●●●●● |
●●●●●●● |
As there are 7 ten and 7 one, we can call it 77.
| What if place value are more than 9?
If the value are more than 9, you need to transform it into different digit.
Let's add 56 and 27. I'm going to add the numbers with value chart.
Tens | Ones |
●●●●●●● |
●●●●●●●●●●●●● |
As there are too many circles in ones, I'll bind them into 10.
Tens | Ones |
●●●●●●● |
●●●●●●●●●● ●●● |
If you can make a bundle of 10, it become 1 of ten.
Tens | Ones |
●●●●●●●● |
●●● |
So we can say the sum is 83. And this is called picking up.
For better addition, you need to add the number and do carrying if you need.
CalcFactory has prepared for you to practice with a worksheet.
I recommend you(your child) practice 10 question a day.
I hope it would be great for you.
Thank you.
#Tag : Grade 3, G3, Addition, Addition questions, Addition problems, Addition worksheet, Two digit, How to pick up, CalcFactory, addition pdf, math pdf, math worksheet pdf, free
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Thank you for your observance. :)
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